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The predators of eggs and chicks of Greenfinches in a mixed farming area in Hawke’s Bay

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  • Author(s)

    J.A. McLennan, B.W.H. MacMillan

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  • Volume, Issue

    32, 2

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predators; eggs; chicks; greenfinches; Carduelis chloris; Hawke's Bay

The predators of eggs and chicks of Greenfinches in a mixed farming area in Hawke’s Bay

Notornis, 32 (2), 95-100

J.A. McLennan, B.W.H. MacMillan (1985)

Article Type: Paper



Experiments were undertaken to identify the animals responsible for attacks on nests of Greenfinches (Carduelis chloris) on a mixed farm in Hawke’s Bay. Nests encased in wiremesh, which excluded all potential predators except mice, suffered no egg losses. Tracking papers placed on wooden poles leading to nests were marked by rats twice. Two ship rats (Rattus rattus) were killed at nests with eggs injected with strychnine. Mustelids destroyed one clutch of eggs and were probably responsible for most of the predations on young. The experiments did not test whether Harriers (Circus approximans) or other birds were involved.