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The distribution of Buller’s Shearwater (Puffinus bulleri) in the North Pacific Ocean

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    T.R. Wahl

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  • Volume, Issue

    32, 2

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Distribution; Buller's shearwater; Puffinus bulleri; North Pacific Ocean

The distribution of Buller’s Shearwater (Puffinus bulleri) in the North Pacific Ocean

Notornis, 32 (2), 109-117

T.R. Wahl (1985)

Article Type: Paper



From available records ranging from systematic surveys to casual observations, the known distribution of Buller’s Shearwater (Puffinus bulleri) in the North Pacific Ocean is described. The birds arrive in subarctic waters in June and slowly expand northward and eastward as far as the Gulf of Alaska by August. The mid-ocean distribution after August is poorly known, but many birds, presumably non-breeders, are along the west coast of North America, at least from British Columbia to southern California, until late October-early November. Numbers observed along this coast have increased since the mid-1960s.