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The Distribution of Banded Rails and Marsh Crakes in Coastal Nelson and the Marlborough Sounds

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  • Author(s)

    G. Elliott

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  • Volume, Issue

    36, 2

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  • Article Type


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Banded rail; Marsh crake; distribution; Nelson; Marlborough Sounds

The Distribution of Banded Rails and Marsh Crakes in Coastal Nelson and the Marlborough Sounds

Notornis, 36 (2), 117-123

G. Elliott (1989)

Article Type: Paper



The distribution of Banded Rails and Marsh Crakes in coastal Nelson, Buller and the Marlborough Sounds was surveyed between October 1980 and December 1982.  Banded Rails and Marsh Crakes were found only in saltmarshes in Nelson and the Marlborough Sounds, though Marsh Crakes were difficult to detect and could have been more widespread.  Banded Rails were found only in saltmarshes with a freshwater supply with stands of sea rush and mixed stands of jointed rush and marsh ribbonwood.  The Nelson – Marlborough Banded Rail population consisted of about 100 breeding pairs and is isolated from the Banded Rail populations further north and south.