Yellowheads (
Mohoua ochrocephala) were observed between November 1983 and May 1984 in the Hawdon River Valley, Arthur’s Pass National Park. Of 11 breeding pairs, at least three had a third adult associated with them. Three pairs were watched in detail, and two nests were found, both in holes in live beech trees. The maximum breeding range was 7 ha. Young fledged in late December, and so laying had occurred in early November and hatching in late November-early December. There was no indication of double broods
or renesting. Family groups of adults and juveniles remained in their breeding ranges for up to 2.5 days after fledging and then ranged throughout the forest. Parental care continued for about 55 days. From mid- January family groups began to come together for several hours and flocks of up to 25 Yellowheads were seen. In April and May flocks of 6-12 Yellowheads were seen, the birds apparently remaining together all day. Yellowheads were often in mixed species flocks.