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The birds of the Noises Islands, Hauraki Gulf

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  • Author(s)

    D.M. Cunningham, P.J. Moors

  • Journal Name


  • Volume, Issue

    32, 3

  • Pagination


  • Article Type


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Noises Islands; birds

The birds of the Noises Islands, Hauraki Gulf

Notornis, 32 (3), 221-243

D.M. Cunningham, P.J. Moors (1985)

Article Type: Paper



An annotated list of the 52 species of bird seen on and around the Noises Islands in Hauraki Gulf is presented, incorporating information from unpublished field notes from the 1930s onwards and the authors’ own observations, which began in 1977. Eight of the 20 species of seabird and 13 of the 32 species of land bird breed at the islands. The only breeding species of native forest bird are Grey Warblers, Fantails and Silvereyes. We review the breeding history of White-faced Storm Petrels and Spotted Shags. Analysis of Australasian Harrier pellets showed that passerines were the most frequent prey and that carrion was taken from islands at least 2.3 km from the Noises. The contents of 13 Blackbird and four Song Thrush gizzards were also analysed. Houpara (Pseudopanax lessonii) fruit was present in 12 Blackbird gizzards and insects (mainly beetles) in eight. The thrushes had fed mainly on small snails and insects.