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Size variation in the snow petrel Pagodroma nivea

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  • Author(s)

    S. Haftorn, F. Mehlum, C. Bech

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  • Volume, Issue

    35, 2

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Snow petrel; Pagodroma nivea; breeding

Size variation in the snow petrel Pagodroma nivea

Notornis, 35 (2), 109-116

S. Haftorn, F. Mehlum, C. Bech (1988)

Article Type: Paper



A colony of breeding Snow Petrels (Pagodroma nivea) in the Muhlig-Hofmann Mountains, Queen Maud Land, on the Antarctic continent was visited in January-February 1985. The birds were nesting under large boulders on the north-faced, ice-free hillside at Svarthamaren (71°53′ S, 5°1O’ E), about 200 km from the open sea. The colony was roughly estimated to contain 500 pairs (Mehlum et al. 1985). Hatching took place in mid-January. The Snow Petrels at Svarthamaren were on average significantly smaller than those breeding elsewhere in the Antarctic. The irregular geographical distribution of breeding birds of varying size does not immediately provide any support for a sub-specific division of the species into one large and one small form, leaving the systematic and evolutionary status of the species unclear. It remains to be established whether inland breeding selects for relatively small birds.