Notornis, 52 (1), 27-33
Article Type: paper
Recaptures of banded birds, and call counts, indicate a population of great spotted kiwi (Apteryx haastii) near Saxon Hut, Heaphy Track, in Kahurangi National Park has remained stable between 1987 and 2004. The number and the locations of occupied territories have changed little. Although few juveniles were encountered during searches with dogs, at least 10 of 22 territorial adults present in 1987 were replaced by a total of 12 birds over 17 years implying that recruitment kept pace with the annual adult mortality of about 4%. We suggest that the incidence of the main predators of kiwi (stoats, ferrets, cats and dogs) was low in this very wet area (rainfall >5500 mm/ year). Our findings support the current ‘Vulnerable’ conservation threat ranking for the species.