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Diet of the Fiordland Crested Penguin during the Post-guard Phase of Chick Growth

Notornis, 36 (2), 151-156

Y.M. van Heezik (1989)

Article Type: Paper

The stomach contents of 50 adult Fiordland Crested Penguins (Eudyptes pachyrhynchus) were collected during the post-guard phase of chick growth. Twenty-two food species were identified from 19 families.  The composition of the diet, expressed as percentages of calculated weight, was 85% cephalopods, 1304 crustaceans and 2% fish. The sexes did not differ in their diets. The cephalopods and fish were juvenile and larval forms, indicating that the penguins were feeding on pelagic macro-zooplankton and micro-nekton. The main cephalopod taken was Nototodarus sp., and so the penguins were foraging mainly over the continental shelf, which extends no more than 10-15 km from the shore.

Feeding Behaviour of the Fantail (Rhipidura fuliginosa)

Notornis, 36 (2), 99-106

I.G. McLean (1989)

Article Type: Paper

Three feeding methods are described for Fantails (Rhipidura fuliginosa): hawking, flushing, and feeding associations. Hawking Fantails cover large distances, use any available perch, and often feed above the forest canopy. Flushing Fantails cover small distances, perch on twigs and small branches, and feed mostly within the canopy or on the ground. Fantails in feeding associations feed where the species being followed feeds. Changes in the proportion of use of each feeding method in relation to breeding stage are described; the sexes did not differ in feeding methods during breeding. By using several feeding methods, Fantails forage in a wider range of microhabitats and so may obtain a wider range of prey than they would by only one method.

Seabirds found dead on New Zealand beaches in 1987, and a review of Procellaria species recoveries since 1960

Notornis, 36 (4), 299-310

R.G. Powlesland (1989)

Article Type: Paper

In 1987, 3,776 kilometres of coast were patrolled and 4,124 dead seabirds were found, well below the average for the previous 17 years (10,624). Unusual finds were a White-bellied Storm Petrel (Fregetta grallaria), a Kermadec Petrel (Pterodroma neglecta) and a Red-tailed Tropicbird (Phaethon rubricauda). A summary is given of the coastal and monthly distributions for Procellaria species found during the 1960-1986 period. The most frequently recovered species was the Black Petrel (P. parkinsoni), the number found annually varying markedly.