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Some thoughts on Caspian Terns in New Zealand

Notornis, 39 (2), 87-93

R.B. Sibson (1992)

Article Type: paper

Early European naturalists and explorers, who of necessity spent much of their time near the coast, do not seem to have logged or noticed Caspian Terns. This notable species was not officially listed in New Zealand till about 1860. It was regarded as rather scarce throughout the 19th century and even well into the 20th century. Two possible explanations for this apparent scarcity are offered: (a) that, as it laid large palatable eggs in places that were usually accessible, it had become scarce after 800 years of hungry human (Polynesian) predation, and (b) that, like some other waterfowl, e.g. Pukeko, White-faced Heron, Royal Spoonbill, it is a comparative newcomer to New Zealand and has enjoyed a ‘boom period’ in the middle of the 20th century.

Letter to Editor

Notornis, 39 (2), 150-150

J.T. Darby (1992)

Article Type: letter

Trends in the numbers and distribution of coastal birds in Wellington Harbour

Notornis, 39 (4), 263-289

H.A. Robertson (1992)

Article Type: paper

The Wellington branch of the Ornithological Society of New Zealand counted coastal birds along the shores of Wellington Harbour every month for two years in 1975-77 and again in 1986-88. Between the two surveys, giant petrels and Black-backed Gulls, which feed on offal, showed significant population declines; however, most other key species increased, particularly Little Shags, Little Black Shags and Mallards, presumably as the health of the harbour improved as discharges from abattoirs and sewer outfalls were reduced. The distribution of some species changed markedly between the surveys, away from Ngauranga and Pencarrow Head to Moa Point and Owhiro Bay, where raw sewage continued to be discharged into the sea.

Population estimates of Kea in Arthur’s Pass National Park

Notornis, 39 (3), 151-160

A.B. Bond; J. Diamond (1992)

Article Type: paper

The population dynamics of a local group of Kea (Nestor notabilis) was studied at a refuse dump in Arthur’s Pass National Park over the course of three successive summers. The mean number of birds that foraged at the dump during the summer was estimated as 20 juveniles, 10 subadults, and 36 adults. An average of 11% of these birds were females. The number of adults was quite stable across years. The total population of Kea in this area was estimated to be between 88 and 119, or in the order of 0.018 to 0.040 birds per hectare. Mortality did not exceed 16-20% per year for adult and subadult birds, but it was probably higher for younger birds. Male juveniles all appeared to disperse from the area within the first two years; female juveniles, on the other hand, were frequently resighted in subsequent seasons. This difference in behaviour was statistically significant. The abundance of fledglings suggested that as few as 10% of adult males may breed in any given year.

The Fiordland Crested Penguin survey, stage II: Dusky and Breaksea sounds

Notornis, 39 (2), 113-118

R.B. Russ; I.G. McLean; B.J.S. Studholme (1992)

Article Type: paper

From 10 to 16 August 1991, we surveyed the complex of sounds making up Breaksea and Dusky Sounds, the Acheron Passage and Wet Jacket Arm, Fiordland, for Fiordland Crested Penguins. Two islands in Doubtful Sound were also checked. Minimum total estimates were 24 nests and 62 penguins in Doubtful Sound and 47 nests and-106 penguins in the Breaksea/Dusky complex. Penguins known to be on Breaksea I. and adjacent islands were not surveyed. Relatively more penguins were found nesting in caves or under rock overhangs and fewer were found in dugouts under trees than were found in the more northern sounds in 1990. No penguins were found on the many islands in Dusky Sound formed from steep-sided granite domes. The results support our suggestion made in 1990 that there are fewer than 1000 nests for the species annually.

Letter to Editor

Notornis, 39 (2), 150-150

H.F. Heinekamp (1992)

Article Type: letter