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Status, distribution, and population trends of the New Zealand Shore Plover Thinornis novaeseelandiae

Notornis, 41 (sup), 179-194

A. Davis (1994)

Article Type: paper

The New Zealand Shore Plover Thinornis novaeseelandiae is colourful and sexually dimorphic, which is unusual among plovers. T. novaeseelandiae is confined to Rangatira (South East Island) in the Chatham Islands. The sedentary population is relict. The mainland New Zealand population declined over the past century, probably as a result of predation by introduced rodents and feral cats. The population of about 130 birds includes 43 or 44 breeding pairs. There is no migration or dispersal from Rangatira. The population has been stable at least since 1969, but could increase by 12% per annum. Shore plover are long-lived. Survival and productivity are age- dependent. Mortality was highest among juveniles and for all birds in winter. Compared to other shore birds, adult mortality is low, and productivity high. The high proportion (20-35%) of non-breeding adults suggests that population increase may be constrained by a shortage of suitable habitat. Although the population appears to be stable at present, a single small population of a species is always in danger of extinction. A recovery programme now under way is aimed at establishing new populations.

Co-operative parental care; contribution of the male Rifleman ( Acanthisitta chloris ) to the breeding effort

Notornis, 41 (1), 71-81

G. Sherley (1994)

Article Type: paper

A colour-banded population of Riflemen at Kowhai Bush, Kaikoura, New Zealand was studied to determine the contribution of males to the care of young. Parental care and territorial behaviour were qualitatively the same throughout the breeding period. Males fed the females during courtship and in this way contributed the food required to produce the first clutch of eggs. Males made 66% of nest-building visits (early nests), spent 50% more time incubating than their mate by day (both clutches), leaving the females the thermo-insular advantage of incubating at night, always fed young significantly more often than their mate and contributed 55-77% of all food items fed to broods without helpers (the great majority of nests), and shared territorial defence equally with their mate. However, nest-building and territorial defence occupied less than 1% of parents’ time early in the breeding season. One widower was unable to fledge young alone. Early season sex ratios for the years studied were (M:F) 22:15, 50:35, 39:37 and 20:21 with extra males sometimes becoming helpers. The male’s high parental effort was not reflected in significantly lower survival to the next breeding season. Possible reasons for the large contribution by the male Rifleman to the breeding effort are discussed.

Seabirds found dead on New Zealand beaches in 1993, with a review of Sterna albostriata , S. caspia and S. striata recoveries, 1943 – 1992

Notornis, 41 (4), 275-286

R.G. Powlesland; M.H. Powlesland (1994)

Article Type: paper

During 1993, participants in the Beach Patrol Scheme patrolled 2954 km of the New Zealand coastline. 4295 dead seabirds of 55 species, plus 117 individuals of 28 other bird species were found. The number of seabirds found in 1993 was only 43% of the annual average of 9997 birds between 1971 and 1992, and was the eighth consecutive year that below average numbers of dead seabirds have been found. Unusual finds were three Yellow- nosed Mollymawks (Diomedea chlororhrynchos), two Grey-backed Storm Petrels (Oceanites nereis) and a New Caledonian Petrel (Pterodroma leucoptera). A summary is given of the coastal and monthly distributions of three Sterna species found between 1943 and 1992. Just nine Black-fronted Terns (S. albostriata) were picked up, mainly along eastern and northern South Island coasts. Of 239 Caspian Terns (S. caspia), most were found on Auckland West, Auckland East, Bay of Plenty and North Coast South Island beaches. There was no significant change in the recovery rate of Caspian Terns through the year. 1738 White-fronted Terns (S. striata) were found, with a peak in mortality during autumn.

Landbirds recorded at the Chatham Islands, 1940 to December 1993

Notornis, 41 (sup), 127-141

A.N.D. Freeman (1994)

Article Type: paper

Between 1940 and December 1993, 66 species of landbirds (including shore and freshwater birds) were recorded at the Chatham Islands. Of these, 38 were native and introduced breeding species, 4 were regular summer visitors and 24 were occasional visitors or stragglers. Published and unpublished records of these species on the Chatham Islands are summarised.

Feeding ecology of hybridizing parakeets on Mangere Island, Chatham Islands

Notornis, 41 (sup), 5-18

A.J. Nixon (1994)

Article Type: paper

The diet of Red-crowned Parakeets (Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae chathamensis) and hybrids (C. n. chathamensis x C. auriceps forbesi) was determined from crop contents and field observations. Crops were dissected from 220 Red-crowned and hybrid birds collected over four years on deforested Mangere Island in the Chatham group. Volume and prevalence of foods taken in winter, spring and summer were measured. No effect of sex or age was found on frequency of occurrence of food items, and low variation in diet attributable to species hybrid status indicated that feeding strategies of the parent species had converged. Diet of all forms varied seasonally. The main winter food was grass seeds, with a small proportion of leaves. The spring diet was the most varied, consisting mostly of leaves, with seeds, flowers and invertebrates. Seeds were eaten in late summer, mostly from Geranium traversii. Field observations in winter emphasised the importance of leaf feeding. Some plant species seen to be eaten in summer were not found in crops. Habitat selection and perch height distribution was associated with breeding requirements as well as feeding.

Is cooperative breeding in Brown Skua ( Catharacta skua lonnbergi ) on the Chatham Islands habitat-forced?

Notornis, 41 (sup), 143-163

E.C. Young (1994)

Article Type: paper

Brown skuas (Catharacta skua lonnbergi) on rangatira (south east) and mangere islands in the chatham islands group were studied over a period of 14 years (1978/79 to 1992/93 breeding seasons) to determine factors promoting cooperative breeding in this population. The size and composition of the breeding population and overall breeding success were remarkably stable. No significant differences in breeding success, density of territories or periods of individual occupation in different places on these islands were demonstrated that would demarcate optimal and marginal breeding habitat. Neither could it be demonstrated that the islands were saturated by breeding birds as required for a habitat-forced origin of cooperative breeding.

Meteorological conditions and Cattle Egret migration: an update

Notornis, 41 (3), 189-204

H.A. Bridgman; M. Maddock (1994)

Article Type: paper

The migration pattern of Cattle Egrets in 1990 and 1991 and its relation to meteorology are presented to extend initial results covering 1987-1989 (Maddock & Bridgman 1992). Cattle Egrets migrated to Victoria and Tasmania in waves during March and April in northerly air flow (western side of a high pressure system) in a series of stages, with periods of rest in between. Major staging points seemed to be Windsor (NSW), Nowra (NSW), and Baimsdale (Vic). Return migrations (October and November) appeared faster, with fewer and shorter rest stops, and were in southerly airflow. Staging points were Werribee (Vic), Nowra (NSW), and Wyong (NSW). Migrations to and from New Zealand were much more limited than in previous years due to adverse weather conditions, especially winds.

Chatham Petrel ( Pterodroma axillaris ) – an overview

Notornis, 41 (sup), 19-26

J.A. West (1994)

Article Type: paper

Records of Chatham Petrel (Pterodroma axillaris) up to 1989 are reviewed. A research programme that started in the breeding season of 1989/1990 to locate more individuals and more active burrows is described. Several methods of locating birds were employed and status of all burrows, and breeding success and measurements of all birds were recorded. The population at the end of the 1991/1992 breeding season is estimated. Conservation issues presented by the species are discussed.