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Birds of the Aleipata Islands, Samoa

Notornis, 59 (3&4), 153-162

R. Parrish; G.H. Sherley (2012)

Article Type: Paper

An annotated checklist of birds recorded or reported on the Aleipata Is, Samoa is presented. Nu’utele and Nu’ulua Is were the focus of an attempt to eradicate Pacific rats (Rattus exulans) in 2009. The data presented are from bird surveys intended to provide baseline information to determine the effect of rodent eradication on the bird fauna. Fanuatapu or Namu’a Is were surveyed as experimental controls. A total of 42 species were recorded or reported, comprised of 24 species of land birds (including 3 introduced species) and 18 species of seabirds and shorebirds. Morphometric data are also presented from Friendly ground-doves (Gallicolumba stairi) that were removed from Nu’utele I and held in captivity during the rat eradication attempt.

Habitat use by the critically endangered orange-fronted parakeet (Cyanoramphus malherbi) on Maud Island: its relevance for future translocations

Notornis, 59 (3&4), 148-152

L. Ortiz-Catedral (2012)

Article Type: Paper

Orange-fronted parakeets (Cyanoramphus malherbi) are New Zealand’s rarest parakeet species with a global population of less than 500 individuals on remnant mainland populations and reintroduced populations on offshore islands. Since there is limited information about habitat preferences by this species on offshore islands I characterised habitat use on Maud Island, where captive-bred parakeets were introduced in 2007. I compared the vegetation characteristics of 29 plots (each 25 m2) where parakeets were encountered and 23 plots randomly selected. Parakeets were observed foraging in 96.6% of the plots. Plots used by parakeets showed significantly higher density of stems under 20 cm dbh and a higher canopy than random plots. Used plots also tended to have greater canopy cover and lower understory and ground vegetation covers. These results indicate that orange-fronted parakeets use ecotones of broadleaf coastal forest-manuka scrub, and pine plantations-manuka scrub for foraging highlighting the potential value of islands with mixed patches of these vegetation types as future refuges for this critically endangered species.

Breeding success of northern New Zealand dotterels (Charadrius obscurus aquilonius) following mammal eradication on Motuihe Island, New Zealand

Notornis, 58 (1), 17-21

H.R. Neate; J.E. Dowding; K.A. Parker; M.E. Hauber (2011)

Article Type: Paper

Population size and breeding success of northern New Zealand dotterels (Charadrius obscurus aquilonius) were studied on the recently mammalian predator-eradicated Motuihe Island in the Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand. The island’s entire breeding population was monitored during the austral breeding season from Nov 2007 – Feb 2008. Nine breeding pairs were identified and their breeding success recorded. A total of 41% of nesting attempts produced fledglings and 1.22 chicks fledged per pair for the season; each egg had a 38% chance of survival to fledging. The breeding success of this endemic shorebird was twice as high on Motuihe Island as that at unmanaged mainland sites, and is comparable to levels of breeding success at other managed sites with mammal trapping or predator-proof fencing. The only identified cause of nesting failure over the breeding season was avian predation. Suggestions are made to maintain and enhance breeding success at this locality.

Sexual size dimorphism, within-pair comparisons and assortative mating in the short-tailed shearwater (Puffinus tenuirostris)

Notornis, 58 (1), 8-16

M.J. Carey (2011)

Article Type: Paper

Biometric studies of short-tailed shearwaters (Puffinus tenuirostris) indicate differences in body mass and linear measurements between sexes. Here the degree of sexual size dimorphism in 390 short-tailed shearwater adults is assessed and a sex-discriminating function is produced to improve methods for sexing live birds in the field. Analysis of body mass and linear measurements showed males to be significantly heavier and larger than female birds in all variables. The largest degree of sexual size dimorphism was in bill depth (7.5%) followed by body mass (5.1%). Bill depth plus total head length were the most accurate variables in a discriminant function model. Together, these 2 variables predicted sex with 84% accuracy. Bill depth alone predicted sex with 82% accuracy. However, application of a sex-discriminating model developed from another colony, did not correctly classify the sex of adult birds as accurately. This can be explained by the existence of significant geographical variation in body size within the species and reinforces the need for colony-specific sex discriminant models. Comparisons within-pairs revealed that bill depth is a more reliable indicator of sex, without the need for a discriminant function analysis. Contrary to previous studies, measurements of male and female partners showed no evidence of assortative mating in any character assessed. If short-tailed shearwaters mate assortatively then it may be based on traits other than structural size.

Identification of an optimal sampling position for stable isotopic analysis of bone collagen of extinct moa (Aves: Emeidae)

Notornis, 58 (1), 1-7

R.N. Holdaway; D.J. Hawke; M. Bunce; M.E. Allentoft (2011)

Article Type: Paper

Stable isotopic (δ13C; δ15N) analysis of bone collagen and other refractory biological materials is a mainstay of palaeoecological research, but comparability between individuals depends on homogeneity within the sample specimens. Long bones of extinct New Zealand moa display lines of arrested growth that reflect prolonged development over several years, leading to potential systematic inhomogeneity in stable isotopic enrichment within the bone. We tested whether the isotopic content within a Euryapteryx curtus tibiotarsus is homogeneous by measuring δ15N and δ13C values in 6 adjacent 1cm-diameter cortical bone cores arranged along the bone axis from each of the proximal and distal ends. We then measured isotopic ratios in 5 radial slices of a core from the mid-shaft of a Pachyornis elephantopus tibiotarsus to see if there was any depth (ontogenetic) effect at a single sampling point. The δ13C value increased with distance from the proximal bone end, but neither δ13C nor δ15N values in samples from the distal end of the bone were correlated with position. Within mid-shaft cortical bone, the δ13C value decreased with depth but δ15N values were constant. Sampling the entire depth of cortical bone from the caudal surface at the distal end of the tibiotarsus, if feasible, therefore provides a spatially homogenous material, free of maturation effects on stable isotopic composition. If for any reason that position cannot be sampled, the outer (radial) layer at the mid-shaft can be substituted.