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Dispersal of southern black-backed gulls (Larus dominicanus dominicanus) banded in Canterbury, New Zealand, 1959-1993

Notornis, 60 (2), 134-142

L.K. Rowe (2013)

Article Type: Paper

A total of 3,455 southern black-backed gull (Larus dominicanus dominicanus) chicks were banded at 4 Canterbury localities between 1959 and 1993: Ashley River 1,239; Waimakariri River 219; Motunau Island 1,997. Only 180 (5.2%) of these chicks were recovered, 3.0% of the river colony chicks and 6.9% of the Motunau Island chicks. Three-quarters of recoveries were in rural environments with most others on the coast; 14 had been shot or trapped and killed. The oldest recovery from the river colonies was 6.1 years old but this may be an underestimate due to wear and loss of aluminium bands used early in the study period; Motunau Island birds were found up to 25.7 years after banding. Birds dispersed widely from the Wairarapa to Southland travelling up to 486 km. Recoveries of first year birds off-colony averaged 96 km which is more than the older birds, 54 km; 7/10 birds that travelled over 200 km were first year birds. On average, Motunau Island birds were found further from the natal colony than birds from the river colonies. My results indicate that dispersal distances and direction of black-backed gulls are variable, and that dispersal can occur between the North and South Islands.

Numbers of spotted shags (Stictocarbo punctatus) at breeding sites in Wellington Harbour, 2002 – 2012

Notornis, 60 (4), 285-289

S. Waugh; A. Tennyson; R. Orange; S. Sharp; R. Cotter; R. Batcheler; D. Batcheler (2013)

Article Type: Paper

We conducted counts of spotted shags (Stictocarbo punctatus) at Matiu/Somes and Mokopuna islands in Wellington Harbour quarterly during the period from 2002-05 and sporadically at these sites and at Makaro/Ward Island during 2007 -12. This population is important as it is one of the few North Island breeding areas, and one of only 2 in the Wellington region. Shag numbers appear to have been stable or possibly declining during this period, with fluctuations between both months and years. An average of 210 individuals was noted during 12 comprehensive counts, with a maximum of 354 spotted shags in 2004. Breeding occurred during late winter and spring in 2010 and 2012. We recommend ongoing monitoring of this population as an important population at a New Zealand level, which is accessible and easily counted from a boat.

Translocation statistics (2002-2010), and the revised Department of Conservation translocation process

Notornis, 60 (1), 55-62

P.L. Cromarty; S.L. Alderson (2013)

Article Type: Paper

In New Zealand, translocation of native species is increasingly being proposed and carried out by community groups as well as the Department of Conservation (DOC). Usually a formal translocation proposal needs to be prepared and approved. Trends in the number and type of proposals approved during 2002-2010 are discussed. Over 300 translocation proposals were approved in this period. Many proposals consisted of more than one transfer. In 2002, proposals from community groups and joint proposals with DOC made up 16% of the approved proposals. In 2005 this had increased to 58%, but it dropped down to 38% in 2007 and in 2010 it had again increased to 71%. Proposals to move birds made up the largest proportion of applications (74%), followed by reptiles (15%), plants (6%) and invertebrates (5%). Kiwi (Apteryx spp.), robin (Petroica spp.), North Island kokako (Callaeas wilsoni) and seabird species (including Procellariformes, Spheniscidae and Laridae) were the most commonly translocated species. In response to the increased number of applications from community groups to carry out translocations, DOC has revised and improved the process for carrying out native species translocation projects.

Population estimates and conservation of the New Zealand dotterel (Charadrius obscurus) on Great Barrier Island, New Zealand

Notornis, 60 (3), 210-223

J. Ogden; J.E. Dowding (2013)

Article Type: Paper

We present the first detailed data on the Great Barrier Island (GBI) sub-population of the northern New Zealand dotterel (NNZD; Charadrius obscurus aquilonius). The breeding season population has averaged 48 birds (range: 41– 64) since 2000. At Awana on GBI, productivity has averaged >1.0 fledged chick per pair-year. The apparent survivorship of adult birds was less than that in the North Auckland sub-population. After breeding, most GBI birds congregated at Whangapoua Estuary/Okiwi Spit in the north of the island, making this a site of international importance under the Ramsar Convention (1971). The post-breeding population of c.56 birds (range: 41 – 77) was augmented by local juveniles and input from elsewhere. Banding returns provided evidence of movement between GBI and the adjacent mainland sub-population on the Coromandel Peninsula. There was no evidence that fewer predatory mammal species on GBI benefits the species at present. Conservation emphasis should focus on controlling mammalian predators and managing human impacts at breeding sites, especially early in the breeding season.

New Zealand pipit (Anthus novaeseelandiae) presence and breeding status using car and walk surveys near Whangarei, New Zealand

Notornis, 60 (2), 125-133

A.J. Beauchamp (2013)

Article Type: Paper

Pipit (Anthus novaeseelandiae) numbers and distribution were assessed at 7 sites near Whangarei, Northland. Foot surveys located significantly more pipits than car surveys at my study site on Ormiston Road. Car-based surveys identified Ormiston Road as a pipit site 88% of the time in summer, and other subsequent car surveys recorded pipits at rates of 0.06 – 0.07 birds/km on Whangarei roads. Calling and breeding behaviours commenced in August but no fledged young were seen before January. Monitored pairs fledged between 0 and 1 young per pair between 1999-00 and 2002-03. Pipits were generally recorded during the breeding season at densities of less than 1.6 birds/km, but up to 16.7 birds/km post breeding.

Close approaches and acoustic triangulation: techniques for mapping the distribution of booming Australasian bittern (Botaurus poiciloptilus) on small wetlands

Notornis, 60 (4), 279-284

C.F.J. O'Donnell; E.M. Williams; J. Cheyne (2013)

Article Type: Paper

Reliable techniques need to be developed for monitoring the distribution and abundance of the endangered Australasian bittern (matuku, Botaurus poiciloptilus). We trialed 2 complementary methods for estimating the number of booming Australasian bitterns: acoustic triangulation from fixed listening stations, and using kayaks to quietly approach booming birds. Trials were conducted over 2 booming seasons (2011 and 2012) at Hatuma Lake, Hawkes Bay. The 2 methods gave similar estimates of the number of bitterns using Hatuma Lake (2011: 8-9 bitterns by triangulation and 9-10 bitterns by close approaches; 2012: 8-9 bitterns using triangulation and 7-8 bitterns by close approaches). We recommend using close approaches because there appeared to be less count-error or a combination of the 2 methods to estimate numbers of Australasian bitterns on small wetlands (

Returning Chatham Islands tui (Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae chathamensis) to Chatham Island

Notornis, 60 (1), 49-54

M. Bell; E.A. Tuanui; B.M. Tuanui (2013)

Article Type: Paper

The Chatham Islands tui (Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae chathamensis) is a large forest honeyeater with a threat ranking of nationally endangered. It is restricted to a single population commuting between Pitt and South East Islands, with an estimated global population of 260 adults. We carried out a translocation of 54 juvenile tui from South East Island (42 females, 12 males) to the Awatotara Valley, Chatham Island in March 2009 (14 birds) and February 2010 (40 birds). Tui were held captive in an aviary for 2-8 days on the source island, and 3-6 days at the release site. Tui lost weight in captivity prior to transfer, but birds held for longer periods recouped more weight than those held briefly. Post-release survival was high; all birds from the 2009 cohort survived their first winter to breed at the release site. Survival of the 2010 cohort was less (54%), but this may have been due to our reduced ability to detect birds following wider dispersal. This translocation was part of a community project and has seen unprecedented support from the Chatham Island community and is a major step forward in the development of community driven conservation in the Chatham Islands.

Notes on the distribution, behaviour and status of grey petrel (Procellaria cinerea) on Antipodes Island, New Zealand

Notornis, 60 (4), 269-278

E.A. Bell; B.D. Bell; J.L. Sim; M.J. Imber (2013)

Article Type: Paper

Aspects of the breeding biology of the grey petrel (Procellaria cinerea) were studied on Antipodes Island between April and June 2001. The island was surveyed to determine grey petrel distribution and four 2,500 m2 census grids were established. The survey suggested that the distribution of grey petrels was restricted to steep, well-draining areas dominated by Poa litorosa tussock (approximately 510 ha of the 2,025 ha island). Occupied burrow density within the 4 census grids ranged from 31 to 44 burrows (0.01 burrows per square metre). Extrapolating from the census grid density to the total grey petrel habitat resulted in a population estimate of 114,730 birds: 53,000 breeding pairs (range = 32,000- 73,000) and 8,670 non-breeding-birds (range = 4,000-16,320) were present on Antipodes Island. Aspects of the behaviour of the species were recorded. Comparisons are made with other members of the genus Procellaria.

Translocation of juvenile Chatham Islands tomtits (Petroica macrocephala chathamensis) from Rangatira and Pitt Islands to Chatham Island

Notornis, 60 (1), 41-48

R.G. Powlesland; M. Bell; E.A. Tuanui; B.M. Tuanui; J.M. Monks (2013)

Article Type: Paper

The Chatham Islands tomtit (Petroica macrocephala chathamensis) is a small forest passerine with a threat ranking of nationally endangered. It is restricted to 2 islands of the Chathams group that are free of introduced predators (Rangatira and Mangere Islands), and 1 with mice (Mus musculus) and feral cats (Felis catus) (Pitt Island). We carried out a translocation of 35 juvenile tomtits from Rangatira (10 male, 10 female) and Pitt Islands (6 male, 9 female) to Awatotara Valley, Chatham Island in January 2011. Mean weight at capture of Pitt Island tomtits was lighter than that of the Rangatira Island tomtits. Tomtits were held captive in aviaries for 1-3 days on the source islands and 2-4 days at the release site. Weight loss of tomtits in captivity prior to transfer averaged 1.8% of body mass per day held and was more pronounced in birds sourced from Rangatira than Pitt Island. Two birds died during the first night after transfer, but the other 33 were released in apparently good health. Eighteen of the released birds were seen at least once, and 11 regularly until 28 March (at least 55 days after release). During the following 12 days, all 11 of these tomtits disappeared. We discuss possible reasons for their disappearance, and aspects of the translocation that may be useful for future translocations of tomtits and other species with a similar ecology.

Our evolving view of the kakapo (Strigops habroptilus) and its allies

Notornis, 60 (3), 197-200

G.K. Chambers; T.H. Worthy (2013)

Article Type: Paper

This paper surveys molecular and morphological work on parrots over the last 20 years and we show how it has re-shaped popular and scientific views regarding endemic New Zealand taxa. Recent research has shown the kakapo (Strigops habroptilus) is not closely related to apparent counterparts in Australia but in fact is a member of an ancient and exclusively New Zealand clade together with the kea and the kaka (Nestor spp.). Superficially similar Australian nocturnal taxa, the night parrot (Pezoporus occidentalis) and the ground parrot (P. wallicus) are members of an altogether different family. At the same time, the parrots as a worldwide group have more or less retained their sense of Gondwanan ancestry, but with an increased focus on Australasia as a centre of origin. The previous paradigm explaining contemporary parrot diversity that suggested evolution was brought about exclusively by vicariant speciation has been supplanted with a synergistic model of dispersal and vicariance following the demonstration that multiple dispersal events have occurred, for example from Australia across the chain of Indian Ocean Islands to Africa.