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From wetlands to islands: morphological variation, plumage and song in Pacific island Acrocephalus warblers

Notornis, 65 (4), 202-222

B.D. Bell (2018)

Article Type: Paper

Acrocephalus warblers occur across Eurasia, Africa, and Australasia, where they are typically migratory, wetland species, but also occur on islands as sedentary endemics in drier habitats, including forest and scrub. External morphology and song amongst Pacific island Acrocephalus warblers were investigated and comparisons made with Acrocephalus species elsewhere. There was a range of sizes between Pacific island Acrocephalus warblers, many being larger than migratory continental species. Bill:wing length ratios were higher in most Pacific species, and their wings more rounded, than most continental species, but less rounded than swamp-warblers of Africa and adjacent islands. Plumages of W and N Pacific species resembled reed-warblers elsewhere, but in SE Polynesia were more varied, brown or grey dorsally, shaded olive, yellow or rufous, and pale ventrally, shaded white, yellow or buff-white, with a melanistic morph on Tahiti. Spectrographic analysis showed a gradient of song complexity from continental and Marianas/Micronesia species (A. hiwae, A. syrinx), through to A. taiti and A. vaughani on the Pitcairn islands, which had no song. The mean frequency of Pacific island reed-warbler songs was inversely correlated with mean body size.

The status of the red-billed gull (Larus novaehollandiae scopulinus) in New Zealand, 2014–2016

Notornis, 65 (1), 1-13

P.G.H. Frost; G.A. Taylor (2018)

Article Type: Paper

A national survey of breeding red-billed gulls (Larus novaehollandiae scopulinus) was carried out during 2014–2016 to establish the present status of the species. Observers were asked to find and report all breeding colonies, starting with a check of previously reported breeding sites. Standardised means of conducting these surveys were developed, publicised, and largely applied. Around 27,831 pairs of red-billed gulls were recorded nesting in New Zealand during the survey: 14,713 pairs at 122 South Island sites; 12,676 pairs at 124 North Island sites; and 442 pairs at 14 sites on the Chatham Islands. Other than colonies on the Three Kings Islands (1,763 pairs) and Takapourewa/Stephens Island (1,250 pairs) there were no large concentrations on offshore islands. The largest mainland concentrations were at Kaikoura (3,210 pairs), Taiaroa Head (2,145), Rotorua (2,277) and Marsden Point (1,190). Although the accuracy of previous estimates is questionable, the red-billed gull nevertheless appears to have declined nationally since the mid-1960s. Possible reasons for the decline are discussed and a proposal for future monitoring of the species is proposed.

An estimate of the Hutton’s shearwater (Puffinus huttoni) population in the Kaikōura region using colour-marking in 2002 and 2014

Notornis, 65 (4), 196-201

L.K. Rowe; P.R. Scofield; G.A. Taylor; R.J. Barker (2018)

Article Type: Paper

In September 2002 and 2014 respectively, 2,077 and 1,704 prospecting Hutton’s shearwaters were colourmarked on the ventral plumage at their breeding grounds at Kōwhai River, Seaward Kaikōura Ranges, New Zealand. Large numbers (425,516 in 2002, and 106,900 in 2014) of marked and unmarked birds were then counted from small boats off the Kaikōura coast between Haumuri Bluff and Ohau Point. A hypergeometric sampling model was fitted these counts, leading to population estimates of N =̂ 459,290 (95% CI = 434,306-484,733) birds in 2002 and N ̂ = 590,407 (95% CI = 543,992–642,697) individuals in 2014. These estimates include both breeding and non-breeding birds and indicate that between 2002 and 2014 the population trend was about +2% per year.

A video camera assessment of morepork (Ninox novaeseelandiae) diet and breeding success on Tiritiri Matangi Island

Notornis, 65 (4), 187-195

S.A. Busbridge; J.R. Stewart (2018)

Article Type: Paper

An observational study on the diet and breeding success of morepork (ruru; Ninox novaeseelandiae) was undertaken using video capture methods during the 2016-2017 breeding season on Tiritiri Matangi Island. The study investigated diet composition, frequency of prey deliveries, timing and frequency of chick provisioning, the behaviour of morepork and their young at 10 nest sites, and considered the possibility that morepork predation was having a negative impact on species of conservation importance. Tree wētā (Hemideina spp.) were found to be the most common prey type consumed at nest sites. Evidence of predation of bird species of conservation importance including stitchbird (hihi; Notiomystis cincta) was also found. Prey species continue to exhibit positive population growth rates, indicating predation rates are too low to have a significant destabilizing effect. However, as the population of moreporks has also grown, it is recommended that their impact on prey species be monitored.

Phylogeographic structure and a genetic assignment method for Buller’s albatross ssp. (Thalassarche bulleri ssp.)

Notornis, 65 (3), 152-163

J.R. Wold; C.J.R. Robertson; G.K. Chambers; P.A. Ritchie (2018)

Article Type: Paper

Between 2002 and 2011, Buller’s albatrosses (Thalassarche bulleri bulleri and T. b. platei) accounted for 34% of albatross interactions in New Zealand trawl fisheries. However, the relative impact of commercial fisheries on each taxon is uncertain as identifying individuals by morphology is challenging. The aim of this research was to develop a genetic identification method for the 2 taxa. To this end, DNA was isolated from blood samples collected from a total of 73 birds breeding at northern Buller’s albatross colonies on the islets of Motuhara and Rangitatahi (total n = 26) and southern Buller’s albatross colonies located on Solander Island and North East Island (total n = 47). The degree of genetic differentiation between northern and southern Buller’s was estimated by using DNA sequences from a 221 bp segment of the mitochondrial Control Region. The genetic structure between northern and southern groups was high (pairwise ΦST = 0.621, P < 0.001). A Bayesian assignment method was used to determine provenance of individuals randomly sampled from fisheries bycatch (n = 97). All bycatch individuals were assigned with maximum probability to either the northern (n = 19) or southern taxon (n = 78; P = 1.00). This study demonstrated that sequences from the mitochondrial control region could reliably be used to assign individuals to either northern, or southern breeding populations, and can be used for determining the provenance of seabird bycatch.

North Island brown kiwi (Apteryx mantelli) monitoring at Whenuakite: Trend comparison of observer and acoustic recorder collected call counts

Notornis, 65 (4), 179-186

P. Stewart; M. Hasenbank (2018)

Article Type: Paper

Observer call count surveys are utilised throughout New Zealand to monitor kiwi populations. The development of affordable autonomous acoustic recorders by the Department of Conservation has enabled the collection of large quantities of digital data. Utilising call count data from the North Island brown kiwi (Apteryx mantelli) monitoring programme at Whenuakite from the 2010 and 2015 survey periods, a retrospective comparison between data collected by human observers and acoustic recorders was undertaken. Both survey methods indicated an increase in the number of kiwi calls per hour between the 2010 and 2015 surveys. The overall ratio of the number of calls per hour detected by acoustic recorders to those detected by human observers was 1:1.52. Results from the occupancy modelling indicated that the average detection probability for human observers was almost twice as high as that for acoustic recorders. Furthermore, increasing the number of sites for monitoring kiwi populations improved the associated level of precision of the derived occupancy probability estimates. Adjusting the survey design to the underlying characteristics of the kiwi population are therefore important to gain reliable estimates of their population trajectory.

Breeding petrels of Dusky Sound, Fiordland – survivors from a century of stoat invasions

Notornis, 64 (3), 136-153

C.M. Miskelly; A.J.D. Tennyson; J.C. Stahl; A.F. Smart; H.K. Edmonds; P.G. McMurtrie (2017)

Article Type: Paper

A total of 49 breeding colonies of 3 petrel species was found on 44 of 56 islands surveyed in Dusky Sound, Fiordland National Park, New Zealand, in November 2016. Sooty shearwater (Puffinus griseus) was the most widespread and abundant species, with an estimated 21,400 burrows on 35 islands. Mottled petrels (Pterodroma inexpectata) were breeding on 12 islands (5500 burrows estimated), and broad-billed prions (Pachyptila vittata) on 2 islands (560 burrows estimated). Sooty shearwaters were found breeding among mottled petrels on 4 islands, and among broad-billed prions on 1 island. This is a 5-fold increase in the number of petrel colonies in Dusky Sound identified in published accounts, and the first estimate of the number of burrows on each island. Long-term survival of most or all of these colonies is dependent on ongoing control of stoats (Mustela erminea) in Dusky Sound. However, we suggest that islands too small to support a resident stoat population provided partial refugia for petrels, even if the islands are within stoat swimming range, allowing petrels to persist for multiple generations. In contrast, petrels were apparently rapidly extirpated from islands over 100 ha, where stoats maintained a resident population.

Behaviour of stoats (Mustela erminea) raiding the nests of rock wrens (Xenicus gilviventris) in alpine New Zealand

Notornis, 64 (3), 124-135

L. Little; C.M. King; C.F.J. O'Donnell (2017)

Article Type: Paper

Understanding the behaviour of invasive predators is an important step in developing effective predator control techniques. Stoats (Mustela erminea), introduced to New Zealand in the 1880s, are major predators of indigenous birds in forest, wetland, and coastal habitats, and are an emerging threat to alpine biodiversity. Stoats have recently been found to prey upon rock wrens (Xenicus gilviventris), New Zealand’s only truly alpine bird species. We monitored 32 rock wren nests using motion activated infrared (IR) cameras from 2 locations in the Southern Alps over 3 breeding seasons, 2012-2015. The behaviour of stoats that preyed upon 13 rock wren nests was quantified to describe how they behaved around rock wren nests, and to determine whether understanding these behaviours could lead to improved predator control to help to protect this vulnerable bird species. Stoats usually hunted alone. They could reach nests on cliffs and on the ground equally easily by climbing or jumping to them. Rock wren nests were attacked most frequently during the day (85% of nests) and at the chick stage in their life cycle, making this their most vulnerable stage. We suggest that this is because stoats are attracted to nests by the auditory cues of chicks calling out for food. Nests were rarely visited by stoats before or after the observed predation events. Stoats left little evidence of nest predation events beyond enlarging nest entrances. There was no indication that IR cameras or the actions of field workers affected predation behaviour, although some stoats clearly knew the cameras were there. There is an urgent need to deploy effective stoat control to recover rock wren populations. Control should focus on cliff habitats as well as on more accessible ground nests, and, if resources are limited, should primarily focus on the nestling stage. Future research could trial auditory lures to attract stoats to traps, and determine the vulnerability of rock wrens to predation outside the breeding season.

Geometric morphometric methods show no shape differences between female and male kākāpō (Strigops habroptilus) bills and claws

Notornis, 64 (3), 117-123

L.J. Gray; M.A.M. Renner (2017)

Article Type: Paper

Kākāpō (Strigops habroptilus) are the only parrot species known to have a lek-based mating system. In competing for mating opportunities with females, males can fight intensely with one another, sometimes with fatal consequences. Males may have evolved more deeply hooked bills and raptorial claws than females if these confer advantage in conflicts with other males. We studied bill and claw shape in 28 museum specimens using geometric morphometrics and found no sex differences. While no claw shape sex differences were identified, we did find kākāpō lateral claws are significantly more hooked than their medial toe claws which are flatter. Claw shape in other parrot species has not yet been analysed via geometric morphometric methods, it is therefore unknown whether this claw-shape configuration is unique to kākāpō.