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The Whiskered Tern in New Zealand – first records

Notornis, 1979 (2), 185-195

Heather, B. D., Jones, E. B. (1979)

Article Type: Paper

The circumstances are given of the first recorded Whiskered Terns (Chlidonias hybridus) in New Zealand, at Lake Horowhenua, Levin in 1977 and 1978. Reasons are given why the birds were probably from Australia (C. h. javanicus). The field characters of the non-breeding adult plumage of the Whiskered Tern, Black Tern (C. niger) , White-winged Black Tern (C. leucopterus) and Black-fronted Tern (C. albostriatus) are compared. The nomenclature of Mees (1977) is used, at species level.

Are Birds Strategists?

Notornis, 26 (3), 321

Sibson, R.B. (1979)

Article Type: Letter

Letter to the Editor, 15 June 1979

Kaipara Harbour – Easter 1978

Notornis, 26 (3), 289-296

Veitch, C. H. (1979)

Article Type: Paper

Between 24 and 27 March 1978, 61 members of the Ornithological Society of New Zealand counted birds on and near Kaipara Harbour. Results are listed and tabulated. The northward migration of Arctic waders is noted. Unusual birds recorded for this area were Grey Plover (Pluvialis squatarola), Large Sand Dotterel (Charabrius leschenaulti), Black Stilt (Himantopus novaezealandiae), Black-fronted Tern (Chlidonias albostriatus), and Fairy Tern (Sterna nereis).