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The relationships of the extinct Chatham Island eagle

Notornis, 31 (4), 273-277

S.L. Olson (1984)

Article Type: Paper

The extinct subfossil eagle of the Chatham Islands is referable to the genus Haliaeetus rather than to Ichthyophaga wherein originally described. Haliaeetus australis, as it should now be known, is more similar to northern species of the genus, particularly H. pelagicus, than to the geographically closer species H. leucogaster, and its ancestors probably colonised the Chatham Islands from the Northern Hemisphere rather than from Australasia.

Solander Island birds

Notornis, 31 (2), 182-183

Cooper, W., Morrison, K. (1984)

Article Type: Short Note

Differentiating the sexes of the Brown Creeper

Notornis, 31 (1), 19-22

Cunningham, J.B. (1984)

Article Type: Paper

The measurements of male and female Brown Creepers (Finschia novaeseelandiae) were compared to determine whether they are sexually dimorphic and, if so, which characters can be used to distinguish the sexes. In all the measured characters males were significantly larger than females. Possible selective advantages of the Brown Creeper’s sexual dimorphism are discussed. Wing length was found to be the most reliable discriminator of sex.

North Island Brown kiwi vocalisations and their use in censusing populations

Notornis, 31 (3), 191-201

R. Colbourne, R. Kleinpaste (1984)

Article Type: Paper

Vocalisations of the North Island Brown Kiwi (Apteryx australis mantelli) were monitored from March 1981 to July 1982 in Waitangi State Forest, Northland. Calling rates were found to be seasonally cyclic and correlated with breeding. Males calIed more often than females. Four categories of kiwi sounds are described and their possible functions discussed. A census of kiwis based on counts of calls underestimates the population: a banding study in a small area gives a much better indication of kiwi numbers. An estimated 800-1,000 kiwis inhabit Waitangi State Forest. Calling rates are density dependent and so can be used for comparison of kiwi population densities between two areas.

Notes on Sooty Shearwaters and other avifauna of the Chilean offshore island of Guafo

Notornis, 31 (3), 225-231

G.S. Clark, A.P. von Meyer, J.W. Nelson, J.N. Watt (1984)

Article Type: Paper

According to available literature, Isla Guafo, Chile, has been rarely visited by ornithologists. The authors have produced a tentative species list. Birds observed within 1 km of the island are included in the total of 62 species. Breeding information was obtained for some species.  The discovery of a large breeding colony of Sooty Shearwaters (Puffinus griseus) is important because it is the first known large colony in Chile north of the Fuegian area.

Observations on the red-footed booby on Mabualau Island, Fiji

Notornis, 31 (1), 23-29

Langham, N.P. (1984)

Article Type: Paper

The red-footed booby (Sula sula) colony on Mabualau Island, Fiji, was visited from 1980 to 1982. Eggs were recorded throughout the year, and young were found in seven of the nine months of the year considered. The two peaks of nesting recorded were about 7-8 months apart. Only unsuccessful birds were likely to nest twice in the same year. Fledging success was low in both 1980 (55%) and 1981 (24%). Climatic factors rather than food supply or predators caused most mortality. The diet comprised flying fish and squid. Growth was similar to that on Aldabra Atoll, but fledging weight was higher. The timing of the breeding seasons is discussed.

Yellow bellbirds

Notornis, 31 (4), 278

P.D. Gaze (1984)

Article Type: Short Note