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Morphometrics and ecology of the New Zealand Dotterel ( Charadrius obscurus ), with a description of a new subspecies

  • Publication Type

    Journal Article

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  • Author(s)

    J.E. Dowding

  • Journal Name


  • Volume, Issue

    41, 4

  • Pagination


  • Article Type



morphometrics; New Zealand Dotterel; plover; subspecies; taxonomy

Morphometrics and ecology of the New Zealand Dotterel ( Charadrius obscurus ), with a description of a new subspecies

Notornis, 41 (4), 221-233

J.E. Dowding (1994)

Article Type: paper



Morphometric data are presented for the northern and southern populations of the NZ Dotterel. There are significant differences between the two populations in all measurements of birds and eggs. The differences in midtoe and adult weight are pronounced: the former yields a Coefficient of Difference above the conventional level of subspecific difference. Plumage differs between birds of the two populations. Ecologically and behaviourally the two populations differ distinctly; southern birds breed inland and northern birds on the coast, the timing of flock break-up and movement to breeding sites is different and the ranges of the two groups are discrete. Based on these differences, the two populations are accorded subspecific status, and a new subspecies is described.