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Henderson Island, central South Pacific, and its birds

  • Publication Type

    Journal Article

  • Publication Year


  • Author(s)

    Bourne, W.R.P., David, A.C.F.

  • Journal Name


  • Volume, Issue

    30, 3

  • Pagination


  • Article Type


  • DOI


survey, Henderson Island, morphological measurements

Henderson Island, central South Pacific, and its birds

Notornis, 30 (3), 233-243

Bourne, W.R.P., David, A.C.F. (1983)

Article Type: Paper



The ecology of Henderson Island, a raised atoll near Pitcairn Island on the southern border of Oceania, still seems to be in its natural state. The birds include an endemic monotypic genus of flightless rail, an endemic species of parrot, and endemic races of fruit pigeon and warbler. Its seabirds have not been adequately studied but are known to include a large population of the rare dark phase of the Herald Petrel. The White Tern may be an endemic race with white feet. The island has been under consideration for the construction of a holiday home with an airstrip.