Kaka (
Nestor meridionalis), red-crowned parakeet (
Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae), whitehead (
Mohoua albicilla), tomtit (
Petroica macrocephala), and bellbird (
Anthornis melanura) have all recently been reintroduced to sites in or near Wellington city. Prior to or concurrent with these translocations, unmarked individuals of all five species were detected in forested reserves on Wellington peninsula. Based on the number of birds seen, and frequency of sightings, we suggest that red-crowned parakeets, whiteheads and bellbirds have established resident populations in some reserves independent of translocations. We attribute these successful re-establishments to the effective control of possums (
Trichosurus vulpecula) and rats (
Rattus sp.) undertaken by Greater Wellington Regional Council and the Department of Conservation.