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Food of the Kingfisher during nesting

  • Publication Type

    Journal Article

  • Publication Year


  • Author(s)

    Fitzgerald, B.M., Meads, M.J., Whitaker, A.H.

  • Journal Name


  • Volume, Issue

    33, 1

  • Pagination


  • Article Type



Kingfisher, Halcyon sancta, diet, Orongorongo Valley, seasonal movements

Food of the Kingfisher during nesting

Notornis, 33 (1), 23-32

Fitzgerald, B.M., Meads, M.J., Whitaker, A.H. (1986)

Article Type: Paper



Food of Kingfishers (Halcyon sancta) in forest in the Orongorongo Valley, near Wellington, was identified from remains in pellets ejected by nestlings at four nests and from pellets and droppings of birds caught in mist-nets. Food items included a wide variety of invertebrates, with cicadas, dragonflies and chafers especially important. Lizards, small birds and mice were also important. The lizards identified were the forest gecko and common skink, and the small birds were the Rifleman, Grey Warbler and Silvereye.  Kingfishers were absent from the study area from June to September; it is suggested that the seasonal movements of Kingfishers are related to changes in the availability of food.