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Comparative biology of the burrowing petrels of the Crozet Islands

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  • Author(s)

    P. Jouventin, J.-L. Mougin, J.-C. Stahl, H. Weimerskirch

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  • Volume, Issue

    32, 3

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biology; burrowing petrels; Crozet Islands; Procellaria; prions; gadfly petrels, storm petrels; diving petrels

Comparative biology of the burrowing petrels of the Crozet Islands

Notornis, 32 (3), 157-220

P. Jouventin, J.-L. Mougin, J.-C. Stahl, H. Weimerskirch (1985)

Article Type: Paper



This paper presents, as well as some earlier data, the results of a study of the burrowing petrels of the Crozet Islands (South Indian Ocean) made during the East Island expedition of September 1981 to February 1982.  The 16 petrels are discussed and analysed in the following taxonomic groups: 4 gadfly petrels, 5 prions, 2 Procellaria petrels, 3 storm petrels and 2 diving petrels. For each group, biometric data and the breeding biology of each species are given. The timing of events (first return to land, laying, hatching, fledging), nest reoccupation, incubation schedule, chick growth and chick-feeding pattern were the main study topics.  Abundance cycles during pairing, temporary egg desertions, nest selection, comparison with other localities and particularly ecological segregation of the petrels are discussed.