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Breeding of the Cape pigeon (Daption capense) at the Snares Islands

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  • Author(s)

    Sagar, P. M.

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  • Volume, Issue

    26, 1

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Snares Islands, cape pigeon, cape petrel, Daption capense, breeding

Breeding of the Cape pigeon (Daption capense) at the Snares Islands

Notornis, 26 (1), 23-36

Sagar, P. M. (1979)

Article Type: Paper



Large numbers of Cape pigeons (Daption capense) breed at the Snares Islands. Egg laying occurs in the second week of November and is probably synchronous. Both adults incubate the single white egg. Hatching occurs from the third week in December to the first week in January. Chicks are brooded continuously for up to 10 days and guarded for up to 15 days after hatching. Weight increases until the chicks reach mean adult weight about three weeks after hatching. Adults continue to feed chicks until they fledge, from 47 to 57 days after hatching. The colonies are then deserted for a period while adults moult at sea. The birds remain around the islands throughout the year. There was no evidence of predation during breeding. Exposure of nest site to wind and rain affected breeding success. Band recoveries suggest a strong nest site attachment from year to year.