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Breeding displays and calls of the Banded Dotterel (Charadrius bicinctus)

  • Publication Type

    Journal Article

  • Publication Year


  • Author(s)

    Bomford, M.

  • Journal Name


  • Volume, Issue

    33, 4

  • Pagination


  • Article Type



banded dotterel, Charadrius bicinctus, behaviour, displays, breeding behaviour, calls

Breeding displays and calls of the Banded Dotterel (Charadrius bicinctus)

Notornis, 33 (4), 219-232

Bomford, M. (1986)

Article Type: Paper



Described are the Banded Dotterel’s threat display and call, used by either sex to defend the territory; wing-clicking flight display, used by the male to advertise territorial ownership; scrape display used by the male to entice the female to inspect the nest scrape; coition and associated display; changeover display given at the nest by either sex during incubation; displays used by parents to call chicks for brooding; and distraction displays and alarm calls given when predators approach the nest or chicks.