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Birds of the Western Chain, Snares Islands 1983-84

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  • Author(s)

    C.M. Miskelly

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  • Volume, Issue

    31, 3

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birds; Snares Islands

Birds of the Western Chain, Snares Islands 1983-84

Notornis, 31 (3), 209-223

C.M. Miskelly (1984)

Article Type: Paper



Birds observed during landings on four islets of the Western Chain, Snares Islands, in February 1984 are discussed. A census of Salvin’s Mollymawk revealed 586 chicks on two of the islets and one stack, and so the population is not likely to exceed 650 pairs. The numbers of the eight other bird species known to breed on the Western Chain were estimated, and their distribution is described. Measurements of 20 chicks of Snares Crested Penguin indicate that the breeding cycle on the Western Chain is about six weeks later than on Main Island. Buller’s Mollymawk, Mottled Petrel, Sooty Shearwater, Scuthern Skua and Red-billed Gull are new breeding records for the Western Chain, and eight other species observed had not been reported previously.