Australasian little grebe (
Tachybaptus novaehollandiae) was detected at the Whangarei sewerage wetlands at Kioreroa Road, in September–October 1996, and since 2012 has attempted to breed. Between October 2015 and April 2017, a pair of grebes produced 4 fledglings from 5 nesting attempts. Adults fed chicks for 26–29 days by diving in open areas with swamp lily (
Ottelia avalifolia). Fledglings began independent foraging between 19 and 26 days old. Fledglings were not seen at the site after reaching c. 55-days old. The young from late clutches left the natal site in March–April, 3 weeks after their parents were last detected there. The site was not used by any grebes in June and July.