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Amendments to the 5th edition (2022) of the Checklist of the Birds of New Zealand

  • Publication Type

    Journal Article

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  • Author(s)

    Miskelly C.M., Forsdick N.J., Palma R.L., Rawlence N.J., Tennyson A.J.D.

  • Journal Name


  • Volume, Issue

    71, 3

  • Pagination


  • Article Type


  • DOI


new species, vagrant birds, extinct; fossil birds, New Zealand, taxonomy, nomenclature, synonymy

Amendments to the 5th edition (2022) of the Checklist of the Birds of New Zealand

Notornis, 71 (3), 93-114

Miskelly C.M., Forsdick N.J., Palma R.L., Rawlence N.J., Tennyson A.J.D. (2024)

Article Type: Paper



Since the publication of the fifth edition of the Checklist of the Birds of New Zealand in 2022, 3 new vagrant species (2 terns and a storm petrel) have been accepted as occurring in New Zealand as at 31 December 2023, and 11 species that became extinct more than c. 1 million years ago have been described. These comprised 3 waterfowl, 1 owlet-nightjar, 1 tropicbird, 3 penguins, 1 albatross, 1 petrel, and a ‘false-colie’ (the latter is considered unrelated to any known group of birds). These 11 new fossil species were found in deposits of the following epochs: Paleocene (3), Miocene (6), and Pliocene (2). The richest areas for discovering new species were Miocene lacustrine deposits of the St Bathans region of Central Otago (5 species), and Paleocene marine deposits from the eastern South Island (3 species). Two Pliocene seabirds were from marine sediments in south Taranaki, and a Miocene albatross was found in a limestone quarry in South Canterbury. Recent publications potentially affecting the taxonomy, nomenclature, classification and arrangement of New Zealand birds are assessed, and recommendations are made that affect 56 taxa. This includes splitting Tibetan sand plover Anarhynchus atrifrons from Siberian sand plover A. mongolus, and Pyramid prion Pachyptila pyramidalis from fulmar prion P. crassirostris, thereby adding a further two species to the New Zealand bird list. The total number of bird species, including fossil species, now accepted from the New Zealand region is 502.