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Motions passed at the 2024 AGM

The following five Motions were passed at the 2024 AGM in Nelson.
Details about Motions 1 to 4 are available in the Background paper here

Motion 1
Having considered the legislative requirements set in the Incorporated Societies Act 2022 and the Incorporated Societies Regulations 2023, and having regard for numerous provisions in the existing Constitution that need to be maintained it is Moved that
(a) a new constitution (“2024 Constitution”) that was circulated to all members for information and comment on 28 November 2023 be adopted by The Ornithological Society of New Zealand Inc, and
(b) that the 2024 Constitution be the basis for an application to Government authorities (the Office of Incorporated Societies in the Companies Office) for re-registration of the Society in 2024.

Motion 2
In anticipation that re-registration of The Ornithological Society of New Zealand Inc under the 2024 Constitution will be successful it is Moved that the existing Constitution be revoked once re-registration of the Society has been confirmed by Government authorities.

Motion 3
Having regard to the requirements of the Incorporated Societies Act 2022 and the Incorporated Societies Regulations 2023 it is Moved that new operational processes concerning application for membership, registration of members, obtaining and storing the written consent for each new officer to act as an officer, and for the disclosure and recording of any conflicts of interest by officers be adopted and applied by the Society.

Motion 4
In accordance with recently enacted legislation and having regard to various specifications and obligations expressed in the 2024 constitution it is Moved that the Ornithological Society of New Zealand Inc. formally apply to Government authorities (the Office of Incorporated Societies in the Companies Office) to re-register the Society under the provisions of the Incorporated Societies Act 2022 and the Incorporated Societies Regulations 2023.

Motion 5
In terms of Rule 6.1 of the Society’s Constitution, Notice of Motion is given to members that the rate of subscriptions for all classes of Society Memberships be amended.  The present and proposed amended subscription rates are listed in the Background paper here