March Birds New Zealand magazine published
March 18th, 2025
The March 2025 edition of Bird New Zealand magazine has been published with a cover photo of a Kārearea New Zealand Falcon by Michael Szabo. This edition announces details of our 2025 annual conference and AGM to be held in Auckland over King’s Birthday weekend (31 May-2 June). More than 200 participants are expected to attend the largest annual conference about New Zealand birds and new bird research.
The plenary speakers will be Professor Dianne Brunton (University of Auckland) and Matt Maitland (Senior Ranger Open Sanctuaries, Auckland Council). Dianne will present “Highlights from 35 years of researching birdsong, behaviour, and conservation in New Zealand.” Matt will present a “20 year retrospective of Tāwharanui Open Sanctuary”. There will also be over 40 other speakers and presentations.
It also reports on Birds New Zealand Council member Colin Miskelly receiving the prestigious 2024 Cranwell Award, publication of the September and December 2024 editions of our scientific journal Notornis, changes to the OSNZ Checklist of the Birds of New Zealand, a recent online bird moult workshop, and a new Occasional Publication on the history of game bird banding in New Zealand.
There are also profiles of Birds New Zealand President Natalie Forsdick, Auckland Regional Representative Ian McLean, and long-time Nelson member and bird-bander Willie Cook.
There is an illustrated feature article on a birdwatching adventure in the Solomon Islands written by Ilse Corkery, and reports on new research on Weka, albatross diet, and Fluttering Shearwater recruitment funded by the Birds New Zealand Research Fund and Projects Assistance Fund.
News items also report on recent Tara Iti NZ Fairy Tern and Kārearea NZ Falcon breeding success in Northland and Wellington, and a new Department of Conservation assessment of native species and climate change.
It also contains the regular quarterly reports from President Natalie Forsdick and our network of Regional Representatives, the bi-annual Bird News report on rare and unusual bird sightings over the previous six months, and book reviews.
Link to the magazine: