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PAF Projects

Currently funded:   

Yellow-eyed penguin early chick mortality (2024)

Monitoring NZ dotterel on Motuihe Island (2024)

National Royal Spoonbill Population Census (2024)

Rakitu Island weka genomics (2023)

Birds of the Nelson Region and where to find them (2023)

Vital rates of NZ Waders (2021)

Previously funded:

GPS Tracking little blue penguins from Port Taranaki (2022)

Plastic ingestion – a sensory ecology approach (2022)

Population assessment of Long Island (2022)

Toxoplasmosis in kiwi (2021)

Rotorua Atlasing week (June 2021)

Hawkes Bay Youth Camp (2021)

Makarora Field Course – Aspiring Biodiversity Trust (2021)

Black-fronted tern movement (2020)

Seabirds and light (2020)

Notornis special issue – Auckland Islands Ornithology (2020)

Bar-tailed Godwit Aerial Survey in Northland (2020)

Survival of S.I. Robins outside Orokonui Sanctuary (2019)

Song diversity of translocated North Island saddleback (2019)

Distribution, population status and trends of New Zealand Scaup (2019)

Youth Camp Waikato River (2019)

Youth Camp Marlborough (2019)

Development of the “New Zealand Bird Atlas” (2018) 

Pacific Golden Plover Tracking (2018)

RAC Database – Scanning Unusual Bird Reports (2018)

Youth Camp Southland (2018)

Raising the Profile of eBird in NZ (2018)  

Youth Banding Camp Miranda (2017)

Youth Camp Far North (2017)

Red-Billed Gull National Census (2015-17)
Distribution and abundance of Red-billed Gull, Gannet, w/f Tern – Report 2019
Aerial Survey Gulls+Gannets Nov 2017
Report 2014-2016  

Read more about this national project here

Zealandia Bird Card Game – Engaging Kids (2017)

Black-billed Gull National Census (2016-17)

Black-Billed Gull National Census – West Coast (2015-16) 

Youth Camp Waikato (2016)   

Census of Small Petrels in North Otago (2015)

Unusual Bird Report – Development of Online Database (2015)

Beach Patrol Online Database – Scanning of cards (2015)

Red-Billed Gull Aerial Survey of Three Kings Island/Far North (2014)

Black Petrel Population Status on Little Barrier Island (2014-15)