David Medway Scholarship (DMS)
This scholarship is sponsored by the George Mason Charitable Trust and named in commemoration of David Medway.
One scholarship may be awarded annually with a maximum value of $5,500. The scholarship is intended to provide financial support to full-time post grad students conducting research in ornithology. Eligible research projects will include field work and must clearly be of benefit to ornithology in New Zealand and to New Zealand birds. The scholarship may be applied at the discretion of the successful student to provide financial support for field work, study-related travel, data analysis, reporting and living expenses (or any combination of these). The scholarship will not support attendance at conferences.
Who can apply?
Students studying full-time at post graduate level on a topic relating to ornithology. Applicants must demonstrate that they have a minimum of four years of experience with ornithology in New Zealand, and must be current members of Birds New Zealand at the time of submission of an application.
How and when to apply?
Download the criteria and application form here
Applications open 1 February and close 30 March.
Previously funded projects
Articles are available via the link below.