Notornis, 54 (1), 38-41
Article Type: short note
Forbes’ parakeet (Cyanoramphus forbesi) is an endangered taxon now endemic to Mangere I and Little Mangere I in the Chatham Is group, 500 km east of New Zealand. This taxon exists now as a single mixed population consisting of Forbes’ parakeets, Chatham I red-crowned parakeets (C. novaezelandiae chathamensis) and their hybrids (Taylor 1975; Nixon 1982; Chan et al. 2006). Increased attention on the conservation of Forbes’ parakeets followed from the presentation of allozyme and mitochondrial DNA control region genetic evidence which suggested that Forbes’ parakeet should be elevated from a subspecies of yellow-crowned parakeet (C. auriceps forbesi) to full species status (Triggs & Daugherty 1996; Boon et al. 2000).