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Sexual differences in vocalisations and playback-response behaviour of the Vanuatu petrel (Pterodroma occulta)

  • Publication Type

    Journal Article

  • Publication Year


  • Author(s)

    S.L. Totterman

  • Journal Name


  • Volume, Issue

    59, 3&4

  • Pagination


  • Article Type



Pterodroma occulta; Vanuatu petrel; vocalisations

Sexual differences in vocalisations and playback-response behaviour of the Vanuatu petrel (Pterodroma occulta)

Notornis, 59 (3&4), 97-104

S.L. Totterman (2012)

Article Type: Paper



Sexual differences in vocalisations of the Vanuatu petrel (Pterodroma occulta) are described. Qualitative differences in burrow calls could be used to sex adults with 63-100% accuracy in listening experiments. Males sounded “clear” and females sounded “hoarse”. Higher accuracy is possible with the aid of spectrograms. Playback experiments demonstrated a male-bias in responses of incubating Vanuatu petrels to “war-whooping” and flight calls. Acoustic methods have practical and ethical advantages over handling breeding petrels and further studies of the vocal behaviour of gadfly-petrels are encouraged.