Diagnostic prey remains of Auckland Island shags (
Leucocarbo colensoi) were analysed from 23 regurgitated pellets collected in August 2010 at Enderby Island, Auckland Islands. Allometric equations from a reference collection were applied to prey remains to provide estimates of prey length and wet mass. A minimum total of 1058 prey items from 7 genera were represented in pellets, with an estimated total wet mass of 13.2 kg. The mean number of prey items per pellet was 46 (range 7-90), with mean total prey mass per pellet of 589 g (range 86–1037 g). Small octopus (Octopus sp.) was by far the most important prey item and was present in all regurgitated pellets. It accounted for 57% of prey by number and 68% of prey by wet mass. Only 2 other genera contributed ≥ 5% towards the total mass of prey—red cod (
Pseudophycis bachus) and triplefin (
Forsterygion sp.) The overwhelming importance of octopus in the diet is unprecedented among shags for which diet composition is known.