Pipit (
Anthus novaeseelandiae) numbers and distribution were assessed at 7 sites near Whangarei, Northland. Foot surveys located significantly more pipits than car surveys at my study site on Ormiston Road. Car-based surveys identified Ormiston Road as a pipit site 88% of the time in summer, and other subsequent car surveys recorded pipits at rates of 0.06 – 0.07 birds/km on Whangarei roads. Calling and breeding behaviours commenced in August but no fledged young were seen before January. Monitored pairs fledged between 0 and 1 young per pair between 1999-00 and 2002-03. Pipits were generally recorded during the breeding season at densities of less than 1.6 birds/km, but up to 16.7 birds/km post breeding.