Information on the breeding of Greenfinches (
Carduelis chloris) was collected over three breeding seasons (1979-1981) in Hawke’s Bay from 104 nests, 78 clutches and 31 broods. The laying season lasted from mid-October to early February. The average clutch size was 4.60 eggs (n= 55 clutches). Sixty percent of completed clutches consisted of 5 eggs and 35% of 4 eggs. Twenty-seven percent of 297 eggs in 78 clutches resulted in young that flew. Predators removed 40 % of eggs and 31% of young. Comparisons were made with 191 Greenfinch nest record cards collected over 47 years by the Ornithological Society of New Zealand and with data from Britain. Clutch sizes and brood sizes of Greenfinches in New Zealand were significantly smaller than in Britain.