Notornis, 46 (2), 301-310
Article Type: paper
Aspects of the ecology of the Antipodes Island Parakeet (Cyanoramphus unicolor) and Reischek’s Parakeet (C. novaezelandiae hochstetteri) were examined at the Antipodes Islands during October and November 1995. Significant differences in diet were detected between the species. Leaves of large tussocks formed the majority of the diet for Antipodes Island Parakeets, whereas tussock flowers comprised much of the diet of Reischek’s Parakeet. Significant differences in the diet of these species between this and previous studies were thought to reflect temporal variations in food availability rather than any fundamental shift in dietary preferences. Observations were made of both parakeet species scavenging on bird corpses. Antipodes Island Parakeets were also recorded killing and eating Grey-backed Storm Petrels (Oceanites nereis). One Antipodes Island Parakeet nest was located; clutch size, physical characteristics of the nest and of behaviour during incubation are described.